Such committees are generally called "Recruitment Committee" or "Human Resources Committee".
Following board resolution template can be helpful in this regard.
“RESOLVED THAT a Recruitment Committee ('the committee') of the Board of Directors of the company be and is hereby constituted with the following members in the committee:
S.No. Name of the Director Designation
1. ................................... ....................
2. ................................... ....................
3. ................................... ....................
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT (Name of the Director), (Designation) be and is hereby nominated as the Chairman of the committee and that (Name of the Company Secretary), (Designation) is to act as the Secretary of the committee.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the presence of any two members of the committee shall constitute the quorum for the meeting of the committee and that the Notice convening a meeting of the committee shall be given at least seven days in advance.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the committee shall act in accordance with the 'terms of reference' specified hereunder:
(ii) to recommend the Human Resources (HR) department of the company in the matters of recruitment of any technical and non-technical personnel;
(iii) to recommend the candidature of any specific person for any position in the company except for the positions of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel (KMP);
(iv) to recommend any new structure of selection of personnel by the company or modification in the current process of such selection; and
(v) to arbitrate or conciliate any dispute or issues between the management and employees of the company or to issue any advisory to the management and HR department in this matter.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the decision of the committee with regard to the selection and appointment of any candidate shall be final.”
draft of the resolution was useful