And, likewise, in order to dissolve that committee - also a resolution has to be passed in the duly held meeting of the board of directors.
Template of such a board resolution is as follows —
#. Dissolution of .......................... Committee
"RESOLVED THAT the current, standing, ................... Committee shall be, and is hereby dissolved.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the existing members of the committee be and is hereby relieved from their duties of the committee."
#. To Dissolve the .......................... Committee
"RESOLVED THAT the ................................... Committee is hereby rescinded and resolved as of (Date) following the conclusion of the .......... work."
#. Dissolution of .......................... Committee of the Board
WHEREAS, the Board’s ......................... Committee has completed its work as of (Date);
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the ............................. Committee is hereby dissolved.
#. To Dissolve the .......................... Committee of the Board of Directors
WHEREAS, The Committee on ................................ was established on (Date); and
WHEREAS, The Committee was charged with the responsibility of ............................; and
WHEREAS, In its vote of (Date), the Committee on .......................... indicated that the Committee’s primary objectives have been accomplished, and the Committee voted to dissolve; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, The Committee will be disbanded and future review of ..................... will come under the purview of the Committee on .....................................
#. To Dissolve the (Name of the Committee) of the Board of Directors
WHEREAS, in 20XX, the Board established ......................... committee to review .........................................;
WHEREAS, the Board expresses its great appreciation to the members of the committee for their efforts and achievements since the formation of committee; and
WHEREAS, the primary purpose of the Committee have been accomplished, and the Committee voted to dissolve; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby dissolves the "..................... Committee".
Very useful.